"Khomeini, Ruhollah, Ayatollah (1902-1989)." UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.

        This was a book that we used to find information on the Shah of Iran during the time of the crisis that died shortly after the crisis had started.

Slackman, Michael. "In Iran, From Heroes to State Enemies." New York Times 4 Nov. 2009. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.

        This is an article that we used to help clear up some of the confusion that we had when     we started our webpage.

United States History. Unknown editor. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h2021.html

        This website was used for most of our research.  It gave us a good outline to follow for the Iran Hostage Crisis.

Weinberg, Steve. "The October Surprise: enter the press." Columbia Journalism Review 30.6 (1992): 33+. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.

        This source was used to tell us the aftermath of the crisis more than some thirty years later.