Why we chose our topic.

            We chose our topic, Iran Hostage Crisis: When Diplomacy Fails, because in class we were discussing the tragedy of September 11 and one student asked, “Why does Iran hate us so much?” That question got us thinking that that would be a great topic to research for history day. We thought that this would be a topic that would help us learn about the struggles of the nation and it’s military. We decided that this topic would help us learn about those struggles in trying to recover fifty-one American hostages.

How we conducted our research.

            We started by looking on different web-sites, including Gale Group, Proquest, and U.S History, to find the history of the dispute between America and Iran. We then decided to expand our search by going to all the local libraries to collect information on this topic. At the East Shore Library, we found microfilm from the week of the historic even. We also found a passage from a diary of a freed hostage, a speech given to the nation by President Ronald Reagan, and journal entries from Bruce Laingen, one of the fifty-one hostages. While looking through the books and information we found, we asked an adult to tell us what they remember from the day of the event. With all of our information collected, we proceeded in finishing our webpage.

How we created our webpage.

            We started our webpage by going to weebly.com and picking a URL as well as a title for our webpage. We then proceeded to find pictures and more information to put on the webpage. After gathering all the information and pictures, we then put all our findings on our webpage. We edited each slide by adding pictures, video clips, and information on various topics that relate to our subject. Each tab was given a different title and contained information leading up to the final release of the fifty-one American hostages. After looking at the final product of our webpage, we published it to weebly.com using the URL; www.irancrisis.weebly.com.

How our topic relates to the theme.

            Our topic, Iran Hostage Crisis: When Diplomacy Fails, relates to the National History Day theme, Debate and Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, and Consequences, because the Iran Hostage Crisis consisted of much debate between the two nations, Iran and the United
States of America. This event sparked the feud between the two nations; changing history forever. By definition, diplomacy means, “the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states.” This definition is key to the Iran Hostage Crisis. The Crisis was started when Shah Khomeini came to the United States seeking treatment for his lymphoma, causing a group of Iranian college students to revolt and takes captive the American Embassy. During the days of captivity, there was much negotiation and debate between the captors and the American government; mainly President Jimmy Carter. Diplomacy can affect a nation in positive ways as well as negative ways, which is what we hope to show through our webpage.