After the Iranian's captured the American Embassy, United States President, Jimmy Carter, responded by immediately negotiating the release of the hostages. When Carter's negotiation was not successful, Carter decided to:

·        cancel all oil imports from Iran

·        deport a large number of Iranian people

·        freeze about eight billion dollars of Iranian assets in the United States.

The Iranian government denied any involvement in the taking of the American hostages, but since there was no action taken place against the hostage-takers, the government was believed to be behind everything. In the United States, Carter and his administration could do nothing but be patient and wait for further instructions from Iran. In the next few months, the captor's sent a list of needs/demands in order for them to release the hostages. The list included; the Shah's return to Iran from treatment, an apology for American's being in Iran(including the coup of 1953), and for an American promise to stay out of Iran in the future; but Carter could not promise any of those demands. Due to the demands for release not being meant, the hostages were held for 444 days.